
There are a ton of supplements you can take out there that are helpful in maintaining a healthy immune system. More importantly is keeping a healthy lifestyle. However, there are three powerhouse supplements to always have on hand that really give your immune system an incredible boost. This is the big three;

1. Zinc

Zinc is an extremely powerful mineral that will kick just about any virus you may have in your system to the curb. The second you feel sluggish, be sure to take one of these to put that possible virus at bay. There is one caviot to remember, zinc taken alone is rough on your stomach. Eat some food when you take zinc so that you don’t feel nauseous. Zinc can usually be found at any grocery or health food store unless its during a pandemic. If its been cleared out of your local store go online to get it. Order it now before you actually feel sick and it might be too late to help your body out.

2. Wellness Formula

One supplement combination on the health food market is called Wellness Formula. It is a super food and herb supplement combination that packs a powerful punch. If you do feel sick or something coming on, load up on Wellness Formula and kiss that virus goodbye. This virus fighting supplement can usually be found at any health food store. One great online health store it is sold at is Swanson Vitamins – and typically for the lowest cost.

3. Melatonin

You wouldn’t normally think of melatonin as a supplement in your virus war arsenal but it is. Melatonin is a gentle, natural way to get a great nights sleep. When your body is fighting a virus or your feeling stressed or anxious it is extremely important to get a solid nights sleep. Melatonin will do the trick. Three mg is the average recommended dose. Less is better in this case. If you take too high of a dose you will feel tired in the morning instead of refreshed.

Keep in mind there are three supplements to always have on hand in your medicine cabinet or with you when you travel. The reason is that you want to take them when you initially start to feel less then your best. If you wait, your allowing the virus to build up its army inside your body which will require more of an effort on your part to fight it. If you nip it in the bud right away, the virus doesn’t stand a chance. Get in the habit of listening to your body. When it tells you its feeling run down or tired, that’s usually because its having to make a greater effort internally fighting an enemy your not even aware of.

About the author : forever21

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