intermittent fasting

How to lose weight without even trying.

This really works and it’s free.

How Intermittent Fasting Works

Intermittent fasting is when you eat within a certain time frame in a 24 hour period. The rest of the time you fast. It’s not a 24 hour fast because you do have a block of time that you eat within. In order for it to qualify as fasting means that the period of time you are not eating is long enough to empty your digestive system of food.

It takes 6 to 8 hours for food to pass through the first part of your digestive system. These organs consist mostly of the esophagus, stomach and small intestine. The food then moves into the large intestine and takes another 28 to 30 hours to be completely processed and eliminated.

The time it takes for food to process depends upon the type of food. The more plant based and fibrous the quicker it will take to go through your system. The more processed and carb heavy the slower it will take. Technically, a real fast is one that occurs when your entire system has been cleared and is empty of food.

Benefits of Intermittent Fasting

An intermittent fast is not a full and complete fast. However, once the body has cleared the upper portion of the digestive system it kicks on the cleaning and growth mechanisms. This includes the release of Human Growth Hormone (HGH). This is the all important fountain of youth and is the primary goal of intermittent fasting.

Some benefits of naturally produced HGH from within the body include;

  • Skin thickening
  • Lean muscle mass increase
  • Fat decrease
  • Increased metabolism
  • Increased testosterone
  • Stronger bones
  • Better sleep

Intermittent Fasting Boosts HGH Levels by 45%

16-18 hour fasting boosts HGH levels by 45%. Want to increase your muscle mass, decrease fat, increase your metabolism and acquire improved hormone levels?  Want thicker skin (literally), osteoporosis prevention and a better night’s sleep? Increasing your HGH levels naturally is the key. The word naturally is used here because there is no pill or supplement you can currently take to increase your HGH levels. Your own body must produce it.

How to Slow Down the Aging Process

In the previous article Sleep and HGH it is outlined how quality sleep increases the production of HGH (Human Growth Hormones). HGH is the key to longevity and quality of health as we age. In other words, it slows down the aging process. HGH levels peak at puberty and then go downhill from there. growth-hormone-decline-aging

Dual HGH Booster

In addition to getting good sleep every night, findings are showing that if you couple that with intermittent fasting the production of HGH increases even beyond the higher levels from the quality sleep alone. HGH production and release is optimized when you’re sleeping which is why the combination of intermittent fasting and sleep will produce an increased Growth Hormone production.

human-growth-hormone-control-group-vs-fastingThe study “Fasting Enhances Growth Hormone Secretion and Amplifies the Complex Rhythms of Growth Hormone Secretion in Man” from The Journal of Clinical Investigation reveals that when you conduct a 16-18 hour fast you receive three spikes of HGH instead of two. This produces an average of a 45% increase in how much HGH is produced in a single day with intermittent fasting.

The minimum amount of fasting needed to trigger increased HGH production is 16 hours. If you couple a portion of the 16 hours with sleep then you receive a double portion of increased HGH. For example, if you stop eating for the day at 3:00PM and have your breakfast at 7:00AM that provides you with the 16 hour HGH booster in addition to the full nights sleep. An 18 hour fast is even better.

Although there are ways to receive HGH in a supplement form it is proven the body does not treat the supplement the same as when it is produced within the body. The benefits are drastically different. In addition to a low absorption level, the supplement form of HGH has some increased risk associated with it such as pre-diabetes, fluid retention and increased blood pressure.

Double boosting your HGH levels is key to slowing down how quickly you age.  Who doesn’t want to postpone the inevitable for as long as possible?  Hopefully, if you prolong it long enough science advancements just might crack the aging code and be able to reverse the aging process.

Weight Loss

Intermittent fasting does help with weight loss. Obviously. What it does is help you get to your natural ideal weight and maintain it. This is especially true if you maximize the fasting time to at least 18 hours. This means your eating window is 6 hours. For example, if you wait until noon to eat then you have until 6 to stop.

For most people that will naturally cut out one meal. It will reduce the size of your stomach. These changes you will barely notice and naturally gravitate to your ideal healthy weight.

If you want to lose weight quicker then set your eating window to 4 hours. For example, if you eat at noon then your cut off time is 4pm. If you have kids to eat dinner with then start a little later in order to maintain time with your family. Setting your food window to 4 hours will reduce the size of your stomach even more.

You’ll be able to eat what you want only in a shorter window of time. Eating healthy during this shortened time will increase your weight loss and get you feeling great.


Intermittent fasting is one of the biggest ways to gain HGH, lose weight or maintain your ideal weight. It allows your body to rest and clean itself out. It boosts your hormones and improves brain health. It doesn’t cost you anything and is an excellent healthy habit to have long term. If you want good health results, start intermittent fasting. You can start easy and increase it gradually to get to your ideal fasting schedule.



About the author : forever21

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