What do you do when there’s a bread shortage? Make your own! If you’re on a keto diet making your own bread is so easy! This recipe is extremely versatile. It is a recipe I use at the beginning of every week so that I have a quick bread to grab and go with. You can use this bread for the following;
- Hamburger buns
- Hotdog bun
- Pancakes
- Toast
- Sandwich bread or sandwich wrap
- Burrito wrap
- Sweet roll
As you can see its a good food item to have on hand in bulk so you can make easy sandwiches and wraps quickly. This Keto Bread recipe makes 4 to 8 bread circles depending on how much water you add. The more water you add the thinner the bread slices will be. Enjoy!

Keto Bread
This is a super fast, super easy bread recipe that you can use to make sandwiches, breakfast pancake, toast, jelly roll, hotdog bun or wrap.
- 1 tsp Butter
- 4 Eggs
- 1/2 Cup Almond Flour
- 4 Tbsp Coconut Flour
- 1 Tbsp Baking Powder
- Splash Water
Heat a pan up with butter.
Mix all in a bowl. Splash enough water to make it the consistency you like. The less water the thicker the bread.
Pour 4 circles. (If you want your bread slices thinner, add more water to make 8)
Cook on medium for about 30 seconds, flip & cook other side.
Eat one right away and save the rest or make 2 sandwiches or 4 wraps.
Recipe Notes
This keto bread recipe is so versatile and flexible! It's a lean, high protein bread that can be used for breakfast as a toast substitute or pancake, a sandwich bread substitute or a wrap for everything from hotdogs to turkey to PB. These also keep very well staked in the fridge, ready to grab and go. Put almost anything in it for a low carb healthy bread substitute.
4 Servings;
Carbs: 6 g carbs
Fat: 15 g
Protein: 12 g
Fiber: 3 g