
How to Stop Sugar Cravings and Why You Should

Why is sugar so bad?  In order to answer that we have to clarify which sugar we are talking about because – sugar is NOT bad!

Sugar, in it’s natural form, fruit, is not bad for your health.  Eating food that contains natural sugar such as fruit, honey, tree and vine fruits, flowers, berries and most root vegetables provides a healthy snack that does not disturb your blood sugar because it’s encased in enough fiber to deliver energy in a time released package.

In contrast, modified, white, extracted sugar is not packaged in it’s natural form and therefore does not have a safe delivery mechanism.  Eating processed foods loaded with sugar will spike your insulin and flood your body with too much sugar to manage properly helping to create such problems as diabetes, heart attack and cancer.

A good rule of thumb is to look at where the sugar energy source is coming from; a factory or a plant, vine or tree.  If it’s coming from nature it is safe.

Now, the hard part is deciding to stop eating the white stuff.  Once you do, it will only take about two weeks before you won’t crave it as much or not at all.  It takes about two weeks of sugar withdrawal symptoms before you will feel your body running cleaner and the cravings will drop off.  You will most likely experience weight-loss and an increase of energy once you get past the withdrawal period.

Here’s a list of common sugar withdrawal symptoms:

Sugar cravings
Chills and sweats

Up next > how to stop sugar cravings


About the author : Contributor

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  1. Maria Smith October 12, 2017 at 8:37 pm - Reply

    Thank you for the article.

    Great blog that I enjoyed reading.

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