
How to Turn on Ketosis

In this article we are talking about the dietary state of burning fat.  Ketosis is the state in which the body has a deficit of sugar and so switches to using fat for fuel. In order to initiate this fuel burning state a person has to refrain from eating sugar in all of its various forms that include bread, milk with sugar added, sauces, toppings, sugary foods, cereal and the like. Taking in only foods low in carbs, high in protein and fats will trigger the ketosis fuel burning state.

Key Benefits of Ketosis

  • Increased Energy
  • Increase Mental Alertness
  • Increased Metabolism
  • Fat Burning
  • Decrease of Appetite

As long as you are adhering to those food types ketosis will continue for a period of time as your body burns through fat storage. If you have fat to loose this is an effective and healthy way to do that for a period of about one to two weeks.

This fat burning process can get side railed very easy when you take in too much sugar. This depends upon how much you take in and when. You can still maintain the ketosis state and take in a small amount of sugar if it is right before a work out or right after a work out. For example, you can probably get away with eating a half of a bagel with jelly on it right before your workout. Because you will have a high intensity workout your body will burn through that extra sugar fuel right away and you will go not go out of ketosis. However, if you take in too much sugar then your body will switch off the ketosis state and the high fat burning. In order to go back on track you will need to go right back to the low carb, lean protein fuel types.

You want to avoid coming out of ketosis because it takes your body at least 12 hours of lean fuels to kick into it. If you break down and eat something high in sugar without a high intensity workout it will switch the ketosis state off and you will have to start over again to get it started back up.

The bottom line it to know that eating sugar in general will put an immediate stop to ketosis. The body will not burn through your stored fat but will use the sugar you just ate instead and will hold on to the stored fat. Your body will only use your stored fat if there is no other alternative due to the survival code written into the design of your body. It is programmed to retain fat at all times unless there is no other alternative. So give it no other alternative.

About the author : Contributor

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